Duh! You knew that! Holidays are the times when we want to fall back into old eating patterns and chow down on the stuff we know, the holiday food that means it is holiday time! So… we come up with raw versions… and we never stop to think about what we are doing! (to make a raw version of most holiday foods, in all likelihood, we are going to want to add sweeteners (agave syrup, dates, etc.), and we are probably going to be heavy into the nuts (how can you make shortbread if you don’t use nuts?) I don’t know about you, but what I miss most are the desserts... and what goes into the raw versions??? nuts, dried fruit, sweetener…..

So…. if we succumb to making raw substitutes, we are highly likely to find ourselves putting on weight.

The fact of the matter is that with many of the “transition” type recipes,we will not escape holiday weight gain simply because we are eating raw food. which offer us “the taste of the past”, are likely to help us maintain an unhealthy weight, or else gain weight unexpectedly. Yes, the ugly truth is that you can gain weight on a raw food diet.

Ideally, we will continue to be vigilant, and eat only properly combined recipes and meals.

If we are normal humans, we may find ourselves enjoying our “traditional-style” raw versions of the holiday foods we know and love, and , then, we will be faced with the need to cleanse and diet in the New Year, just as we would if we were not raw.

Be aware. Be ready.

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